Tom “Durrrr” Dwan the next Full Tilt Poker Superstar?
They’re sure working towards it – The newest Full Tilt Poker Commercial features Tom looking in a mirror in a “looking back in time” type sequence where he try’s to find his poker playing style. He first tries to emulate Gus Hansen, then Phil Ivey, and finally Chris Ferguson. Ultimately he decides to “play like me” (it’s self narrated by Tom).
Along the lines of most Full Tilt Poker commercials, it’s shot in Black and White, which seems to be all the rage now with all of the cool kids doing them. The recent Nike commercial with Tiger Woods (where his dead Father is asking him why he banged all those chicks) is in Black and White. Full Tilt Poker has been doing Black and White shoots for years now. Same thing with some of the older Apple/Mac commercials.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see how well Tom “Durrrr” Dwan actually does with the mainstream poker media exposure. Remember, he’s an Internet player that has now crossed over into live, televised poker. He seems to be adjusting well but we’re still only about a year into this, let’s see where he is another year from now.
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